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Project Update September 2017

Writer's picture: Briony Rose SmithBriony Rose Smith

September had been another good month. As much as I haven't had as many online sales my sales Chester Comic Con have made it a successful month. Writing targets have been met and things are progressing nicely.


Moon Girl 1: Moon Rise Status: Marketing Moon Girl 1 is chugging away at marketing. It's gotten a few low reviews this month but in the end, not everyone is going to like it so it's something I'm going to have to live with. I also sold Moon Girl at Chester Comic Con and it was great! I sold a total of 3 books in the end. I have another blog post saying what happened in more detail. Many leaflets and business cards were taken so I at least feel I got my name out there. Sales were okay but I have plenty of stock left, I might do some like and share giveaways on Facebook or look at opening an Online store not sure yet.

Moon Girl 2: Bell Tole Status: Awaiting Publication Moon Girl 2 is going well. I had to make final decisions on the cover this month and have decided to go with having a different hero on each cover. I can say for Moon 2 the obvious choice was Tim, he is my secondary character so he deserves a space on the second book. The other books will be anyones guess at this point.

I got the cover image back from Mewa Chu late this month and have already put together a draft of the cover. There's only a little bit of tweaking to do but mostly I'm already happy with it. I will probably do a grand reveal in the next week or so.

Meanwhile, I'll be starting the last stretch to publishing, I have a little list of things I need to do like one last grammar and spelling check, making a version with a black and white chapter headers and one with colour etc then I will be looking to the printers, getting test copies etc. Hopefully not long now.

Moon Girl 4 Status: First Draft As you can see Moon 3 has been on hold and I've pushed on getting into Moon 4. The more I can get onto paper now the easier my Author career will be. I figured out another place to start in the story and I'm liking it a lot more now but feel like I'm rushing it a bit. I mean I always see the first draft as a framework or at least I try to, because it's a lot easier to make something pretty when you already have something to work from so I try to get my ideas down as fast as possible. Problem is I start doubting the quality a bit because I'm rushing it. My doubt could be because I need a break but I don't know how to take a break from writing so I will carry on anyway. This feeling might mean I need to go back and look through it or that I just need to soldier on. I'll figure it out and continue to hit the targets I set myself. At the very least, I'm making good progress.

Police Work is Hell Status: First Draft/ Planning I love this story. It's getting a bit tricky now, I'm having to try iron out my ideas more but at the least, I found a great app for world building and character building so that's helped a tone. It's interesting cause I've never written sci-fi nor anything close to a detective story so it's hard to find the balance between my want to put in more action or to reel it in and try for intrigue. Just being fun and experimental with it so far.

World Crystal Status: First Draft/Planning Enjoying this one too. I've tried first person with this one but with my weakness of flipping tenses, I'm having to go through it a few times to make sure it's not too confusing. I also need to go through and iron out the characters a bit as I think I started with one idea for them but the wrote themselves as something else. Happens a lot.


In the coming month, I will be working on bringing Moon Girl 2 to you *fingers crossed* there aren't many complications with the printer this time so I can actually releace it next month. I will also looking at potential online shop opportunities and giveaways.

Thank you to anyone helping support Moon Girl so far and if you have read it and haven't already, please, please get yourself to or Amazon and leave a review they are very helpful for me. :)

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